


首頁 > 產品展示 > BUSSMANN > 快速熔斷器

170M3122 現貨

  • 分類:快速熔斷器
  • 簡介::bussmann 170M3122 FUSE 550A 690VV 1*KN/80 AR UC
  • 交貨周期:12
  • 發布時間:2020-05-19 09:48:51
  • 點擊量:648


170M — Square Body size 1* to 3, DIN 43653 690 Vac (IEC), 700 Vac (UL), 40 to 2000 A Square body DIN 43653 bolted tags high speed fuses, for theprotection of DC common bus, DC drives, power converters/ rectifiers and reduced rated voltage starters. Available with visualindicator, and Type K and T indicator for a microswitch.

Ratings ? Volts ? 690 Vac (IEC)/700 Vac (UL) ? 750 Vdc (UL, see catalog number table for specific fuses) ? Amps 40-2000 A ? IR 200 kA RMS Sym. Operating class aR Agency information ? Designed and tested to IEC 60269 Part 4 ? UL Recognized, JFHR2*, E125085 ? CSA Class 53787, File 1422-30* ? CCC except where noted ? CE * Consult your Bussmann series product representative for status. Dimensions — mm 1mm = 0.0394”

170M3008 170M3058 170M3108 170M3158 170M3208 170M3258

170M3009 170M3059 170M3109 170M3159 170M3209 170M3259 

170M3010 170M3060 170M3110 170M3160 170M3210 170M3260

170M3011 170M3061 170M3111 170M3161 170M3211 170M3261 

170M3012 170M3062 170M3112 170M3162 170M3212 170M3262

170M3013 170M3063 170M3113 170M3163 170M3213 170M3263 

170M3014 170M3064 170M3114 170M3164 170M3214 170M3264 

170M3015 170M3065 170M3115 170M3165 170M3215 170M3265

170M3016 170M3066 170M3116 170M3166 170M3216 170M3266 

170M3017 170M3067 170M3117 170M3167 170M3217 170M3267 

170M3018 170M3068 170M3118 170M3168 170M3218 170M3268 

170M3019 170M3069 170M3119 170M3169 170M3219 170M3269 

170M3020 170M3070 170M3120 170M3170 170M3220 170M3270 

170M3021 170M3071 170M3121 170M3171 170M3221 170M3271 

170M3022 170M3072 170M3122 170M3172 170M3222 170M3272

170M3023 170M3073 170M3123 170M3173 170M3223 170M3273

170M4008 170M4058 170M4108 170M4158 170M4208 170M4258

170M4009 170M4059 170M4109 170M4159 170M4209 170M4259 

170M4010 170M4060 170M4110 170M4160 170M4210 170M4260 

170M4011 170M4061 170M4111 170M4161 170M4211 170M4261 

170M4012 170M4062 170M4112 170M4162 170M4212 170M4262 

170M4013 170M4063 170M4113 170M4163 170M4213 170M4263 

170M4014 170M4064 170M4114 170M4164 170M4214 170M4264 

170M4015 170M4065 170M4115 170M4165 170M4215 170M4265 

170M4016 170M4066 170M4116 170M4166 170M4216 170M4266 

170M4017 170M4067 170M4117 170M4167 170M4217 170M4267 

170M4018 170M4068 170M4118 170M4168 170M4218 170M4268 

170M40191 170M40691 170M41191 170M41691 170M4219170M42691

170M5008 170M5058 170M5108 170M5158 170M5208 170M5258

170M5009 170M5059 170M5109 170M5159 170M5209 170M5259 

170M5010 170M5060 170M5110 170M5160 170M5210 170M5260 

170M5011 170M5061 170M5111 170M5161 170M5211 170M5261 

170M5012 170M5062 170M5112 170M5162 170M5212 170M5262 

170M5013 170M5063 170M5113 170M5163 170M5213 170M5263 

170M5014 170M5064 170M5114 170M5164 170M5214 170M5264 

170M5015 170M5065 170M5115 170M5165 170M5215 170M5265 

170M5016 170M5066 170M5116 170M5166 170M5216 170M5266 

170M5017 170M5067 170M5117 170M5167 170M5217 170M5267 

170M5018 170M5068 170M5118 170M5168 170M5218 170M5268 

170M6008 170M6058 170M6108 170M6158 170M6208 170M6258 

170M6009 170M6059 170M6109 170M6159 170M6209 170M6259

170M6010 170M6060 170M6110 170M6160 170M6210 170M6260 

170M6011 170M6061 170M6111 170M6161 170M6211 170M6261

170M6012 170M6062 170M6112 170M6162 170M6212 170M6262 

170M6013 170M6063 170M6113 170M6163 170M6213 170M6263 

170M6014 170M6064 170M6114 170M6164 170M6214 170M6264 

170M6015 170M6065 170M6115 170M6165 170M6215 170M6265 

170M6016 170M6066 170M6116 170M6166 170M6216 170M6266 

170M6017 170M6067 170M6117 170M6167 170M6217 170M6267 

170M6018 170M6068 170M6118 170M6168 170M6218 170M6268 

170M6019 170M6069 170M6119 170M6169 170M6219 170M6269 

170M6020?? 170M6070?? 170M6120 170M6170?? 170M6220?? 170M6270

170M6021 170M6071 170M6121 170M6171 170M6221 170M6271













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